Stillwaters Ministries

Church at 270 Antioch Road, Clarkson, KY 42726

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in Clarkson, KY

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  • ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Do NOT send us anymore of your FAKE DECEVING trash mail!!! You are Absolutly NOT chosen for any ministry and the so called message you send out is as false as satan himself!!! YOU ARE NOT ORDAINED BY ALMIGHTY GOD! YOU ARE NOT CHOSEN! NOR ARE YOU ELECTED! You're NOTHING more than a bag of wind spreading dead seed with dead deceitful words!!! TRASH ! 100% TRASH...

    Added March 07, 2025 by Tim Cole
  • ☆ ☆

    I was looking for a Beside The Still Water monthly booklet.

    Added February 23, 2024 by Roy W Kern
  • I am a practicing Catholic. A monthly booklet I used to read teaches what I already know. Your monthly booklet teaches me what I need to know. I read it daily and find the stories so very inspirational.

    Added April 17, 2023 by Edward Thomas
  • I am married to a wonderful woman, yet been married before. What in your eyes is my standing w/ GOD? I have received many letters and correspondence from J. Scott, but I am still unclear.

    Added August 30, 2016 by matthew hogan
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